The New York Museum of Sex has a wonderful new exhibits. One being PUNK LUST: RAW PROVOCATION 1971-1985 here are a few pictures from the super cool room set up and memorabilia.

The other section had a beautiful collections of portraits. The first section was of James Bidgood: Reveries.

Extraordinarily, almost the entirety of Bidgood’s work was shot in his tiny Hell’s Kitchen tenement. Bidgood literally lived in his sets, and used colored lighting, homemade props, and a variety of clever illusions—from the ingenious use of forced perspective to complex, Rube Goldberg like mechanisms that operated moving sets, fans, or lights—to create impressionistic wonderlands.

The second section had Mariette Pathy Allen: Rites of Passage, 1978-2006

She sought to show these individuals as beautiful, loving, and human, during a time of severe lack of acceptance and understanding from the broader public.